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AB Örnmaskiner

Ornmaskiner: image 1 of 1 thumb
Logo of the company Örnmaskiner

The company AB Örnmaskiner was founded in 1933 by Ivar Gustafsson, his brother Sigurd and their friend Georg Larsson from Storebro.

The basis for the business was the right to produce a lathe, which Ivar Gustafsson had received from his employer Storebro Bruks AB as compensation for missing wage payments.

From 1946, the company also built leisure boats in addition to lathes.

At the beginning of 1965, AB Örnmaskiner took over all the shares in Storebro Bruks AB, a local competitor founded in 1728. As the name Storebro was established worldwide, it was decided to abandon the name Örnmaskiner and to continue the company as Storebro Bruks AB in the future.

When Ivar Gustafsson retired from the company, he gave up a monthly pension, but he demanded the name AB Örnmaskiner for continued use. He then sold used Storebro machine tools under this name, as well as some new boats.

The entire development of boatbuilding can be found under "Yard/History".
