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Truedsson, Tage

(* 1906-08-18 - † 1967-12-24)

<span style='background-color: yellow;'>Truedsson</span>: image 1 of 1 thumb
Tage Truedsson
Tage Truedsson was the second production manager who worked for Örnmaskiner AB . After Alexander Juhanson, who worked from 1946 to 1950 for Örnmaskiner, he startet in 1949.

Truedsson built up the factory and was temporarily responsible for a production of 1,000 ships a year.

His knowledge of boatbuilding is described as excellent. Hardly anyone knew exactly as he did, how much time had to be estimated for different work steps. This knowledge only made the production numbers possible at the time. Employees who doubted his timing, Tage Truedsson was able to demonstrate in almost all boat building works, that times were realistic with the relevant qualifications. Because of this fact got around quickly among the staff, everyone was rather keen to improve their skills, than to be shown ones inability.

During his long period of working for Örmaskiner and later Storebro close friendship to company founder Ivar Gustafsson was born.

From 1965 his adopted son Heimo Leppä followed in his footsteps. Tage Truedsson died unexpectedly on Christmas Eve 1967.

<span style='background-color: yellow;'>Truedsson</span>: image 1 of 5 thumb <span style='background-color: yellow;'>Truedsson</span>: image 2 of 5 thumb <span style='background-color: yellow;'>Truedsson</span>: image 3 of 5 thumb <span style='background-color: yellow;'>Truedsson</span>: image 4 of 5 thumb <span style='background-color: yellow;'>Truedsson</span>: image 5 of 5 thumb <span style='background-color: yellow;'>Truedsson</span>: image 5 of 5 thumb
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