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Storebro Royal Cruiser 490 Commander

Technical Data

Project launch2011
L.o.a. [m]14.95
Beam [m]4.50
DesignerJohn H. V. Lindblom

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The Storebro 490 Commander project was developed under the ownership of Altor Equity Partners. The project was in a production-ready state at the end of 2011/beginning of 2012 when Altor Equity Partners abruptly stopped the continuation of the project in spring 2012. The sudden move for the employees involved in the project was explained by the insolvency in mid-2012.

Only the picture shown was available on the Internet. It shows a very flat ship with design bonds at SRC 475 Commander and SRC 410 Commander. The basic features of this project were later adopted and modified in the project "SRC 460 Commander", which was presented under the new shipyard owner Hoger v. Haugwitz.

2020-05-20 2020-05-20